Mule ESB - Real Life Request-Reply

Sample batch-processing scenario:

  1. Single HTTP request contains multiple records.
  2. Data in each record must by enhanced with information provided by 3rd party web service, then messages with fixed number of records (exactly 3 - transport channel limitation) delivered to customer.
  3. Processing is successful only if all messages with all records are delivered to customer - partial delivery is not allowed (that’s why transaction is spanned on records processing and chunk delivery).

Initial version of the flow:


<flow name="initial-process-flow" doc:name="initial-process-flow">
		<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
			host="localhost" port="8181" path="initialProcess" doc:name="HTTP" />
		<transactional action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" doc:name="Transactional">
			<foreach batchSize="3">
					<flow-ref name="call-LongRunningTask" doc:name="Flow Reference" />
				<vm:outbound-endpoint path="finalMessage" />
			<logger message="All tasks finished: #[payload]" level="INFO"
				category="MainFlow" doc:name="Logger" />

call-LongRunningTask invokes http call to 3rd party web service for additional data. It takes always 1 second to complete. For the test input of 10 elements processing time takes 10 seconds and 4 messages are delivered to finalMessage vm endpoint.

INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:42,784 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:43,865 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:44,946 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:44,975 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:46,903 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:47,996 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:49,096 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:49,110 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:50,207 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:51,285 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:52,850 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:52,857 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:53,914 [main] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:53,924 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:07:53,932 [main] MainFlow: All tasks finished: [Ljava.lang.String;@daf22f0


In production usage there will be millions of records. Current performance will not satisfy expectations. In order to improve processing time solution must be switched from single-threaded to multi-threaded processing. Thankfully Mule ESB allows to execute portion of single threaded process with multiple threads using request-reply scope.

So let’s refactor inner foreach loop of the processing flow to execute call-LongRunningTask step in separate thread for each record, then aggregate results and go back to single threaded processing to send output messages - similarly to scatter-gather pattern. Results of 20 minutes of work below:


Main flow with request-reply scope inside which request vm outbound endpoint sends records for multi-thread processing, and reply vm inbound endpoints receive processing results.

<flow name="request-reply-flow" doc:name="request-reply-flow">
		<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
			host="localhost" port="8181" path="requesReply" doc:name="HTTP" />
		<transactional action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" doc:name="Transactional">
			<foreach batchSize="3">
					<request-reply doc:name="Request-Reply">
						<vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
							path="request" doc:name="VM" >							
						<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
							path="reply" doc:name="VM" >							
				<vm:outbound-endpoint path="finalMessage" />
			<logger message="All tasks finished: #[payload]" level="INFO"
				category="MainFlow" doc:name="Logger" />


Flow receives records sent to request endpoint to split them and pass to aggr vm endpoint for further processing.

	<flow name="request-reply-long-task-split" doc:name="long-task-split">
		<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
			path="request" doc:name="request" />
		<collection-splitter enableCorrelation="ALWAYS"
			doc:name="Split records for chunks to Long Running Task" />
		<vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
			path="process" doc:name="aggr" />


Flow receives record from aggr endpoint, invoke call-LongRunningTask, waits for all records in collection-aggragator stage and finally sends back aggregated results to reply endpoint.

	<flow name="request-reply-long-task-aggr" doc:name="long-task-aggr">
		<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
			path="process" doc:name="aggr" />
		<flow-ref name="call-LongRunningTask" doc:name="Call Long Running Task" />
		<collection-aggregator failOnTimeout="true"
			doc:name="Aggregate Results" timeout="120000" />
		<vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
			path="reply" doc:name="reply" />

Let’s run the test and see how it works. Well, it doesn’t work at all.

Issue#1: VM endpoint inside request-reply cannot be in transactional scope

It turned out to be rather obvious rule. It is highlighted even in official Mule ESB documentation for Request-Reply Scope - warning sign and yellow highlighted note draw attention. However documentation says nothing regarding how to fix it. And it turned out to be quite easy. It is enough to disable transaction for request-reply VM endpoints. It doesn’t affect process logic at all - HTTP calls inside call-LongRunningTaks are not transactional and finalMessage VM outbound endpoint still is within transaction. Explicit definition of proper vm:transaction action inside request-reply scope below:

<request-reply doc:name="Request-Reply">
	<vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
		path="request" doc:name="VM" >
		<vm:transaction action="NOT_SUPPORTED"/>
	<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
		path="reply" doc:name="VM" >
		<vm:transaction action="NOT_SUPPORTED"/>

After the changes flow finally started to work. But logs don’t look right:

INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:09,256 [main] MainFlow: All tasks finished: [Ljava.lang.String;@756aadfc
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,045 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.07] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,091 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.08] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,082 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.04] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,111 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.03] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,112 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.09] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,123 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.06] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,123 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.05] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,136 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.02] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,140 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.11] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-19 23:12:11,142 [call-LongRunningTask.stage1.10] LongRunningTask: Task processed

All tasks finished before any Task processed? It means that aggregation step was executed without waiting for web service responses.

Issue #2: Default processing strategies doesn’t work

Without defined processing strategies each stage in the flow is executed without waiting on results of previous stage. For the simplicity let’s start with processing both flows synchronously by setting up processing strategy to synchronous:

<flow name="request-reply-long-task-split" doc:name="long-task-split" processingStrategy="synchronous">
<flow name="request-reply-long-task-aggr" doc:name="long-task-aggr" processingStrategy="synchronous">	

Change didn’t help - process still fails, but this time with exception:

ERROR 2014-11-19 23:37:25,351 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.07] org.mule.exception.DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy: 
Message               : null
Code                  : MULE_ERROR--1
Exception stack is:
1. null (
Root Exception stack trace:

After long and not so easy debugging new issue was identified:

Issue #3: If aggregation is needed, avoid nested loops

Mule uses internal properties MULE_CORRELATION_SEQUENCE and MULE_CORRELATION_GROUP_SIZE for tracing split collection elements to enable their aggregation. It turned out that those parameters are overwritten by foreach and splitter message processors. The solution would be either to store original values of MULE_CORRELATION_SEQUENCE and MULE_CORRELATION_GROUP_SIZE in outer loop and restore them after nested loop is finished or separate those two iterations. It is much easier to separate two loops.


<flow name="request-reply-flow" doc:name="request-reply-flow">
		<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
			host="localhost" port="8181" path="requesReply" doc:name="HTTP" />
		<transactional action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" doc:name="Transactional">
			<request-reply doc:name="Request-Reply">
				<vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
					path="request" doc:name="VM" >
					<vm:transaction action="NOT_SUPPORTED"/>
				<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way"
					path="reply" doc:name="VM" >
					<vm:transaction action="NOT_SUPPORTED"/>
			<foreach batchSize="3">											
				<vm:outbound-endpoint path="finalMessage" />
				<logger message="Final Message sent" level="INFO"
				category="MainFlow" doc:name="Logger" />
			<logger message="All tasks finished: #[payload]" level="INFO"
				category="MainFlow" doc:name="Logger" />

After that change solution finally works es expected!

INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:39,940 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.04] MainFlow: Split chunk of tasks
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:39,965 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,120 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,195 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.07] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,227 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.08] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,233 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.09] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,236 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,238 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.11] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,243 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.10] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,245 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.04] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:42,250 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.06] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,420 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.06] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,423 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.11] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,466 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.08] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,474 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.04] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,475 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.09] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,481 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.10] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,488 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.07] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,508 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:43,512 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] MainFlow: Task started
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,596 [connector.VM.mule.default.receiver.05] LongRunningTask: Task processed
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,662 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,668 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,674 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,680 [main] MainFlow: Final Message sent
INFO  2014-11-20 00:02:44,690 [main] MainFlow: All tasks finished: [org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@748f93bb, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@7f2d31af, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@2e7157c7, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@2a43e0ac, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@22d9bc14, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@346f41a9, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@1084f78c, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@25f723b0, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@4aa11206, org.mule.transport.http.ReleasingInputStream@40d60f2]

All tasks finished message is at the end of processing, after all records were enhanced and all final messages were sent.

In terms of processing time improvement is significant - right now flows ends within 5 seconds for 10 records and just 39 seconds for 1000 records. Nice improvement comparing to original 1000 seconds.

There are still hidden bottlenecks in the processing and there is a huge gap for error processing, but that will be the subject of next article.

Source code for the flows and sample munit tests are available on github.

Written on December 9, 2014